Sex & Relationship Therapy FAQ
Here are some of the questions I’m most frequently asked. If you don’t see an answer to your questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me, and I’d be happy to answer.
Do I really need therapy? It seems like I should be able to solve this myself.
Life is full of wonderful, exciting adventures. But we would not learn much if we only had positive experiences. When we encounter those situations, or challenges, which can feel insurmountable, having someone who can hold space for you is essential. When people are at their most vulnerable having an objective, non-judgmental ally allows for the safety of sharing your deepest thoughts, feelings and behaviors which can help you own your own truth and take the action steps necessary to change.
Who should come to therapy?
Anyone struggling with questions about where to from here. Being stuck often takes a great deal of energy. Learning the skills necessary for new ways of relating, communicating, and loving takes practice, patience and encouragement. Talking to a trained therapist about taking risks and moving forward can help give direction and clarity.
What are the issues you treat?
Hudson Consulting provides services for a wide range of psychological issues including depression, anxiety, grief, and relationship problems. We specialize in finding solutions for recovery from sex and love addiction, sexual trauma and issues related to sexual dysfunction. Clients come to us from various backgrounds, ethnicity and sexual orientations. Some of the concerns they bring might be:
- Am I a sex addict?
- I think my spouse might be a sex addict.
- My body has changed as I age and I have a lot of judgement about how I look.
- I was married for many years and recently divorced; I am fearful of dating, especially about being sexual, again.
- I love my partner, but he won’t have sex with me.
- I have tremendous shame about what I am doing in my sex life.
- I was hurt badly in my last relationship and I can’t seem to let go of my resentment and fear and trust again.
Do you do couples counseling?
Living in community, no matter how much you love someone, can be stressful. Most of us find things in our relationship that we find frustrating and confusing about our partner. When trust is broken we can develop a negative story about our relationship which shuts down the flow of love, kindness and impacts our ability have hope of healing. Couples work can help restore our faith in the relationship, renegotiate our contracts or find healing in letting go and moving forward alone.
How long does it take and what does treatment look like?
Treatment options vary. Depending on the issues, and the length of time you have struggled with the problems, therapy can be from a few sessions to several years. Together we will assess the problem and come up with a strategy that will outline a short term, and longer term, plan that will be most effective for you.
Will my insurance cover the cost of therapy?
If you have insurance, you may be covered for therapy – or you may not. Some mental health issues are covered, such as depression. Some clients prefer to pay privately. With regard to sex therapy, many insurance companies consider it to be an exclusion and will not cover either individual or couples therapy. In both cases, clients should check with their insurance provider and ask about mental health or sexual therapy coverage for an out of network provider.
Ready to Heal?

Step One – Free Consultation
Let’s discuss how you can get started with individual counseling, couples counseling, or group therapy.

Step Two – Personalized Treatment
Together we will develop a treatment plan that is clear, focused, and achievable – so that you can become the person you truly want to be.

Step Three – Ongoing Support
After the initial work in individual counseling, I encourage sex and love addicts to join my therapy group for continued support during recovery.